Superfeet Green
$499.00 – $524.00AmericanBrand.There are various types of insole. Different colour brings you the different functions, that helps wearer feel comfort and achieve with the better results of any activities.
Superfeet 功能鞋墊 (藍色)
$499.00 – $524.00AmericanBrand.There are various types of insole. Different colour brings you the different functions, that helps wearer feel comfort and achieve with the better results of any activities.
Superfeet Carbon
$549.00 – $574.00AmericanBrand.There are various types of insole. Different colour brings you the different functions, that helps wearer feel comfort and achieve with the better results of any activities.
Off the shelf toe spacers
分開腳趾,預防腳趾間的摩擦 而形成雞眼
預防拇趾(腳趾公) 因拇趾外翻而持續傾壓至第二足趾
Raised Heel Shoe
Suitable for the peoplewho suffer from structure LLD (uneven leg)We will use the different types of EVA materials according to the condition of individuals.