脊柱側彎矯形腰背架 - 多年經驗 有效控制及改善有關情況_專業矯形師主理


Boston Scoliosis (Day) Brace

Boston Brace for Scoliosis是由美國骨科醫生及矯形師共同研發,已有超過30年臨床治療及驗證,不同國家研究報告證明此矯形腰背架能有效控制及輕脊柱側彎的情況。

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Patient usually need to wear the brace until the bones are completed, usually around 14 – 16 years old. If you want to have the best treatment results, it is recommended to wear a Boston brace for more than 20 hours a day. Therefore, the size, appearance and comfort of the Boston brace are important considerations for children.


  •  The texture is hard and strong, so the opening can be low and simple.

    • Advantage: The appearance is better. Wearer will not be easy to find out by other after wearing the brace. Patient can even wear jeans with the brace. The child is also easy to accept and willing to wear the brace.

  • Inlayer: Soften cushioning layer

    • Advantage: Comfortable, Prevent excess pressure point and easy to be cleaned

  • Symmetrical design

    • Advantage: Push the inclined spine to the midline of the spine cord to prevent the scoliosis from continuing to deteriorate and other compensatory spinal deformities