Delivery and Return Policies

(訂造產品不在政策範圍內 Custom-made products are not in the policies)

發貨時間 Delivery time

  • 收到付款通知後,如有現貨會於5個工作天內寄出;如需預訂之產品,則按個別情況通知寄出的日期。(星期六、日及公眾假期除外)
  • After receiving the payment notice, the products will be sent within 5 working days, if there is stock; the customer will be notified the delivery time when there is out of stock. (Except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)


  • 付款時請提供收件地址,順豐站and順便智能櫃 (只限香港地區) 的 收件地址 或 收件點碼 (如:H852E002P)。
  • Please provide the delivery address or the delivery point code (such as H852E002P) of SF Station and EF locker (Hong Kong area only) when making payment.

發貨物流費用 Delivery Fee

  • 訂單未滿$500 運費一律客人自付
  • Delivery is not included when orders under $500.



  • 運送離島、機場 客人自付 (運費查詢請按此)
  • Delivery fee will be paid by the customer, if send to islands and airport.


  • 澳門/中國內地/台灣及海外地區請聯絡本中心作安排
  • Macau / Mainland China / Taiwan and overseas regions, please contact our center for arrangements


  • 請確保提供之順豐點碼或地址填寫正確,如客人提供有誤,本中心將不會為構成的所有後果負責。
  • Please ensure that the provided SF point code or address is filled in correctly. If the guest provides an error, the center will not be responsible for all the consequences.


  • 我們只接受「順豐速運」為指定物流公司。(海外送則按個別地區另作安排)
  • We only accept “SF Express” as the designated logistics company. (Overseas delivery will be arranged separately according to individual regions)


  • 客人可到本中心取貨, 本中心地址:尖沙咀彌敦道96號美敦大廈6樓B室
  • Customer can pick up the goods at our center, our center address: Flat 6B, Milton Mansion, 96 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui

退貨/退款安排 Return / Refund arrangements

  • 如貨品屬於質量問題,請拍下問題產品的相片及有效之購物證明,以電郵 Whatsapp/ WeChat 等通訊軟件與本中心聯絡。經本中心確認後,寄回及補寄的運費將由本中心承擔,客人請於速遞單上填寫「到付」。
  • If the product has quality problem, please take photo(s) of the problem product and valid shopping improvement, and please contact us by email, Whatsapp / WeChat or other ways of communication . After confirming by us, the delivery fee for returning and re-sending will be borne by us. Customer should guide the express “Paid by receiver”.


  • 如需退貨/退款,客人需於收貨日後一星期內提出,否則本公司將不接受任何退貨/退款。
  • Customer should mention within one week after receiving the goods (date of receiving), if the refund/return is needed. We will not accept any return / refund afterwards.


  • 需退回之貨品需以原盒and不剪牌(如有)寄回,否則本公司有權拒絕退換/退款。
  • The return/refund product(s) must be in a original box or with original tag(s). We reserve the right to refuse returning/refunding/exchanging.


  • 如產品不涉及質素問題,本公司將拒絕退換/退款。
  • If the product does not involve quality issues, we reserve the right to refuse returning/refunding/exchanging.


  • 如在購貨後遇上缺貨,本中心會扣除網上支付手續費用後餘額退回客人指定的銀行戶口。
  • If there is a shortage of goods after purchasing, We will return the balance to the bank account designated by the customer by deducting the procedure fee of online payment.



Note: The return and refund policies are for reference only. Hong Kong Foot-spine Assessment Centre reserves all the final decisions. If there is other inquiry, please contact us or visit out centre.

Appointment & Inquiry