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Hong Kong Foot Spine Assessment Centre

We care your Foot-spine Health

We believe that there are relationship between Foot, Spine, posture and pain.
Poor posture will lead to the "complementarity" of the "foot" and "spine". As the time goes by, the pain would be existed followed by the deviation.

'Foot' & 'Spine' are connected. They affect each other.


Custom Insoles | Chiropractic Adjustment | Stretch & Sports therapy

Rebuild your 'Foot' 'Spine' bones. Realign you body structure and posture.

We provide solutions to solve the posture problem. Analyze the various pain problems caused by posture deviation from the root, and ensure long-term and effective results. All Services are provided byProfessionalswith experiences.

Custom-made Insoles to correct daily walking posture.
chiropractor is checking the spine for a woman 脊醫正在為一名女士進行脊骨/脊椎檢查
Chiropractic Adjustments to correct subluxation.

We care your foot health

Foot problems & pains

扁平足 寛扁足
Rearfoot Valgus
Toe in
Plantar Fasciitis
Hallux Valgus
Heel pain

Foot and spine have a chain effect.

Abnormal walking posture? Foot Bio-mechanic Assessment help you to know you foot condition.


Bones affect each other. For example, if you have flat feet, there will be slight changes between bones. These slight changes may cause negative effects on the body (such as hindering normal bone growth and causing pain).

We care your Spine health

Spine problems & pains

Neck Pain
Upper Back Pain
Low Back Pain
Wrist Pain/Numbness in hands or legs
Ankle Pain

If you suffer from the above pain, do not endure, find out the source of the pain and "deal with" it!

Rebuild you posture | Stay away from pain

We provide solutions to correct it.


Our foot orthotists, chiropractors and posture correction exercise coaches will first communicate and talk with each customer. After understanding (such as lifestyle habits), checking (such as pain or abnormal areas) and evaluating (such as overall physical condition), they will conduct professional analysis and provide appropriate pain relief solutions based on the customer's "feet", "spine" and "posture".

Suffer from the pain for long? Always Relapse after recover? Bad postures may be the cause.

Relieve Pain start from Foot & Spine!

We offer you a range of professional services

Website recommendation TOP 5

Happy Hongkonger_推介_訂造鞋墊_香港足脊檢查中心1
Happy Hongkonger_推介_訂造鞋墊_香港足脊檢查中心2

We offer you a range of professional services

Professional. Experiences. Pragmatic

We also provide the services below.

Stretch & Sports therapy

Suitable for people suffer from pain(s)

Boston Brace for Scoliosis

Suitable for children/teenagers with scoliosis

Ankle Foot Orthosis & others

Suitable for people with special need

Tailor-made Pillow

Suitable for people who sleep poorly

Custom-made Insole (Foot Assessment included)

Suitable for people who suffer from foot pain or have foot deformity.
Suitable for all ages

Foot Bio-mechanic Assessment

Suitable for people who suffer from foot pain or have foot deformity.
Suitable for all ages

Chiropractic Adjustments

Suitable for people who seek for better health
Suitable for 6 year-old or above children and elderly


Suitable for people who suffer from fungal nail, callus etc.

Selected Item

Products are chosen by our professionals

Contact Us

Contact Us (852) 2311 5838
