
Showing 19–27 of 40 results

    Superfeet Woman high heel 3/4 Length Insole



    Superfeet Green


    AmericanBrand.There are various types of insole. Different colour brings you the different functions, that helps wearer feel comfort and achieve with the better results of any activities.

    Superfeet 功能鞋墊 (藍色)


    AmericanBrand.There are various types of insole. Different colour brings you the different functions, that helps wearer feel comfort and achieve with the better results of any activities.

    Superfeet Carbon


    AmericanBrand.There are various types of insole. Different colour brings you the different functions, that helps wearer feel comfort and achieve with the better results of any activities.

    Off the shelf toe spacers

    • 分開腳趾,預防腳趾間的摩擦 而形成雞眼

    • 預防拇趾(腳趾公) 因拇趾外翻而持續傾壓至第二足趾

    • 幫助拇趾在走路時發揮正常推進功能

    • 防止拇趾畸形惡化

    Raised Heel Shoe

    Suitable for the peoplewho suffer from structure LLD (uneven leg)We will use the different types of EVA materials according to the condition of individuals.

  • 特價 台灣製足弓承托夾腳趾款紓壓人字拖橙色拖鞋防滑鞋底

    台灣tudoo足弓承托拖鞋/涼鞋 (夾腳趾款) 【3隻顏色選擇】

    $299.00 $249.00
    • 紓緩腳痛、Plantar Fasciitis

    • 柔軟富彈性

    • 鍵盤式鞋底花紋,防滑

    • 人體工學設計

    • 寛闊前腳掌

    • 台灣製造

  • 特價 香港足脊檢查中心有售橫帶款足弓承托拖鞋,足底筋膜炎/拇趾外翻/腳底痛人士猶其適合

    台灣tudoo足弓承托拖鞋/涼鞋 (橫帶/開口款) 【3隻顏色選擇】

    $299.00 $249.00
    • 紓緩腳痛、足底筋膜炎,柔軟富彈性

    • 專利鍵盤式鞋底花紋,防滑

    • 人體工學設計

    • 寛闊前腳掌

    • 台灣製造

    德國 TerraSensa 平衡墊 (專利設計產品!)

    • 專利設計

    • 有助鍛鍊平衡力

    • 強化肌肉協調能力

    • 優化感觸神經

    • 配合其他運動,令效果增倍!