
Showing 37–45 of 46 results

    Boston Scoliosis (Night) Brace

    Boston Brace for Scoliosis . The Boston Scoliosis Brace for daily use is hard and patient may feel uncomfortable if they wear it during sleeping at night.

    Boston Scoliosis (Night) Brace provides certain support at night while reducing the discomfort by using softer materials. The opening locate in the front chest also allowing the wearer to sleep more comfortably.

    This brace is custom made. Inquiry and appointment, please call 23115838

    Boston Scoliosis (Day) Brace

    Boston Brace for Scoliosis是由美國骨科醫生及矯形師共同研發,已有超過30年臨床治療及驗證,不同國家研究報告證明此矯形腰背架能有效控制及輕脊柱側彎的情況。

  • 英國小白皮鞋_制服鞋_女裝鞋_醫護鞋_綁帶款

    英國Byford 女裝超輕小白鞋

    • 超輕-走路輕鬆提腳
    • 皮質柔軟
    • 含陽離子,抑壓病毒
    • 英國品牌
  • 訂造分趾膠,預防拇趾(腳趾公)外翻惡化

    Custom-made Toe Spacer

    Off the shelf toe spacers may not suitable for all wearer because the space between 1st toe and 2nd toe is different in different person.Off the shelf toe spacersmay slide away, which cause the uneven foot pressure and could not walk comfortably.

    Custom-made toe spacer has the similar functions as off the shelf one. However, it's contact surface is much more than off the shelf one. The toe space can be fulfilled which makes the foot pressure more even.

  • 香港足脊檢查中心提供由專業足科矯形師套取腳模、貼合腳形、按穿著者足部情況、技術與人手手工結合而成的迷彩金色皮面訂製涼鞋,是訂造鞋墊外的另一選擇


    Every custom-made sandals are made through the complex process. Materials are chosen by the orthotist.

    Custom-made Insole

    • Custom-made Insole是按個別腳形取模、經過多個繁複工序製作而成的,矯形師亦按顧客所需給予更準確更合適的design to improve the walking gait..

      Inquiry and Appointment, please call us 23115838.





    • 泰國製造
    • 由天然乳膠製成,不含對人體有害物質
    • 特強硬度及極好彈性
    • 適用於健身訓練及消閒運動,治療疾病及康復之用
    • 改善肌肉能力,關節活動幅度和協調不同的肌肉組織
    • 不同抗阻力適合不同年齡人仕使用練力帶鍛練身體

    藍色:韌度較強 (較適合成人男士使用)

    紅色:韌度較弱 (較適合成人女士及小童使用)

    Tailor-made Pillow

    • 全方位靈活調整枕頭高度

    • 人體工學設計

    • 百年歷史傳承日本職人工藝