
Showing 19–23 of 23 results

  • 訂造分趾膠,預防拇趾(腳趾公)外翻惡化

    Custom-made Toe Spacer

    Off the shelf toe spacers may not suitable for all wearer because the space between 1st toe and 2nd toe is different in different person.Off the shelf toe spacersmay slide away, which cause the uneven foot pressure and could not walk comfortably.

    Custom-made toe spacer has the similar functions as off the shelf one. However, it's contact surface is much more than off the shelf one. The toe space can be fulfilled which makes the foot pressure more even.

  • 香港足脊檢查中心提供由專業足科矯形師套取腳模、貼合腳形、按穿著者足部情況、技術與人手手工結合而成的迷彩金色皮面訂製涼鞋,是訂造鞋墊外的另一選擇


    Every custom-made sandals are made through the complex process. Materials are chosen by the orthotist.

    Custom-made Insole

    • Custom-made Insole是按個別腳形取模、經過多個繁複工序製作而成的,矯形師亦按顧客所需給予更準確更合適的design to improve the walking gait..

      Inquiry and Appointment, please call us 23115838.




    High Contour-Controlled Child Insole (Pre-fab)


    We focus on the foot health of children. This type of insole can give larger arch support insole than the other off the shelf insole. It can help child to develop a health foot arch.