Sterishoe+ UV shoe Sanitizer
Sterishoe+ UV shoe sanitizer
contains little fan inside, that dry out the shoe inner-space quickly.
It spends 15 minutes to sanitize, and 30 minutes to dry out (if applicable). It turns off automatically when finished.
Suitable for a wide range of shoe types
Stainless steel bracket structure
one year guarantee
Dry out and Deodorize, scent can be applied. (4 sachets of scent contained)
There are 2 shoe bags for blocking UV and light when operating.
Accepted by American Podiatric Medical Association
Off the shelf toe spacers
分開腳趾,預防腳趾間的摩擦 而形成雞眼
預防拇趾(腳趾公) 因拇趾外翻而持續傾壓至第二足趾
$68.00 – $78.00- 泰國製造
- 由天然乳膠製成,不含對人體有害物質
- 特強硬度及極好彈性
- 適用於健身訓練及消閒運動,治療疾病及康復之用
- 改善肌肉能力,關節活動幅度和協調不同的肌肉組織
- 不同抗阻力適合不同年齡人仕使用練力帶鍛練身體
藍色:韌度較強 (較適合成人男士使用)
紅色:韌度較弱 (較適合成人女士及小童使用)